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  • How do I delete my account?
    To delete all information linked to you in all our apps and services, go to the account settings in any Turborilla game. Tap the “Delete Account” button and follow the instructions. Your information will be scheduled for deletion within two weeks. Some information may persist in backup copies for up to 90 days but will not be generally available to other users or visitors of the services. If you have connected your Facebook account, or any other social media accounts, to your account in our apps, then you can delete this connection from the account settings in our apps. You can also send a request to delete your account to Include your in-game username, and we will reply with more instructions. Our support staff will guide you and delete the data for you, including any social media connections. You do not need to install any of our apps to have your data deleted. Information deleted includes: username all connections from all games to social media accounts all email addresses, social media account names, real name, and other account info shared profile picture from all games and server databases Some communications made in any communication features, which might have been shared with other users (for example sending personal messages to another user) may remain even if you delete your account. Leaderboard scores, tracks, and other data created in the games will also remain. This data will be anonymized when your account is deleted. How do I delete some of my data but keep my account? Contact if you wish to delete only parts of your data. For example, if you only want your profile picture or a specific social media connection deleted. Our support staff will guide you or delete the data for you. You do not need to install any of our apps to do so. If you signed up for our newsletter and do not want emails from us, please send an email to, and we will remove your address from our records.
  • What tools do Turborilla employees use to create its games?
    Our team uses a variety of platforms and tools but some of them include Unity, C#, Photoshop, Substance, Illustrator, Z-Brush, Maya, 3Ds Studio Max, and Blender.
  • Where can I get gameplay help?
    We have a discord channel where players hang out: Our Youtube channel:
  • What are Championships?
    Championships are a multiplayer event that can be unlocked by completing all Qualify tracks in each Career region. In this optional mode, you: Race up to 99 other real players Have a set amount of time to race each track Have unlimited restarts within that time frame Earn an overall finish based on your best track times on all tracks Have a chance to unlock awesome prizes based on your overall finish Must set times on each track to be eligible for prizes The goal of this mode is to climb the leaderboard and achieve the highest position possible. To do this you should use all the allowed time on each track. After you win a race replay that same track and you'll automatically be paired against another rider with a slightly faster time than you. Championships are 3 hours in duration. Once a Championships ends you can claim your prize. You can join a new Championship as soon as your current Championship ends. You can also join multiple different Championships at once. Championships are the best way to earn extra coins.
  • How do I whip?
    First, you must unlock whips by completing all qualify tracks in Germany Career zone. Once you have unlocked whips simply swipe your finger from the throttle over to the right while in the air. Return your finger to throttle before landing to complete the whip. You can control the size and speed of the whip by how far and fast you swipe. If you use auto throttle the technique is the same but you need to start your swipe from the whip button instead of the throttle button.
  • What are Jams?
    Jam is a fun, weekly competition where all participants focus on racing one or multiple tracks, and their times from those tracks are combined to give them an overall placement. In this classic and free Mad Skills mode, you: Compete against real players in multiple-day rounds Have unlimited attempts to set the best times you can on each track Fight for position on a variety of leaderboards Must set times on each track to be eligible for prizes Will sometimes be required to race on a specific bike On the individual track cards, you’ll see where you rank on your three leaderboards: global, national, and regional (in some countries). Tap the leaderboard button above those ranks to access the leaderboards. You can select a specific player to race against by hitting the VS icon next to their name on a leaderboard. You can see the overall leaderboard by hitting the leaderboard button on the top right of the main Jam menu (above the prizes). If you tap the yellow RACE button on a track, you’ll automatically be paired up against a real player who’s time is slightly better than your best time. With each win, the play arrow will pit you against another slightly faster foe. It’s a great way to slowly but surely climb the leaderboards and improve your time and your overall skills. So get to Jammin’!
  • What are Duels?
    Duel is our live PVP racing mode and can be found in the Events section. In this exciting mode, you: Play 2-minute sessions in real time against another real player Have unlimited restarts within that time frame Race against the ghost of your opponent’s best time in the session Gain trophies if you win and lose trophies if you lose Collect trophies from Duels to rank up and earn awesome prizes Both players get 2 minutes to set their best time. Your opponents replay will periodically update so you always see their fastest time so far. Once the timer runs out you can finish your run but you cannot restart again. There are multiple ranks to Duel that are as follows: Bronze II 0-300 trophies Bronze I 300-700 trophies Silver II 700-1200 trophies Silver I 1200-2000 trophies Gold II 2000-2500 trophies Gold I 2500-3000 trophies Platinum II 3000-4000 trophies Platinum I 4000-5000 trophies Diamond II 5000-6000 trophies Diamond I 6000+ trophies When you make it to a new rank you will be rewarded with an exclusive prize!
  • How do I unlock whips?
    To unlock whips you must first complete all tracks in the Germany Career Zone by getting 3rd place or better. Once you complete all tracks in Germany just start any race and you'll get a pop-up that explaining whips have unlocked and how to do them.
  • How are Career tracks unlocked?
    Qualify tracks in Career mode are unlocked one at a time. In order to unlock the next Qualify track you must get 3rd place or better on the current track. The better the placement the more silver coins and rep you will earn, but you’re only required to get 3rd place to progress to the next track. If you’re having trouble beating a track we suggest you upgrade your current bike or buy the next bike. Sometimes you might be losing because you are not taking the correct line. Try to find alternative lines (or watch what lines your opponents take) and see if those lines are faster.
  • How do I nose wheelie across the entire table on Dirt Driver?
  • How do I unlock scrubs?
    You can unlock Scrubs in Mad Skills Motocross 3 two different ways. 1. Enter the MX Factory Challenges mode from the main menu. Then find and tap on the "SCRUBS" Challenge card. You will get a pop-up notifying you that scrubs are unlocked with a short video on how to scrub. 2. Reach the "SCRUBS" MX Factory Challenge card in Career mode (Arizona). Once you reach this card you'll unlock Scrubs and get a pop-up explaining how to scrub.
  • How can I earn more gold and coins in Mad Skills Motocross 3?
    As with all Mad Skills games all bikes and upgrades can be unlocked by playing for free! The more you play the more gold and silver coins you'll earn. Here are some tips to help you get the most coins and gold in the quickest time possible! Complete all your Daily Goals every day This is a great way to earn extra currency and if you complete all goals you will be rewarded with some gold Daily Goals can be found by hitting Daily Goals button on the top bar of the main menu Play Championships as much as possible Championships are the best way to earn silver coins You can repeat a Championship every 3 hours Enter as many Championships as you have unlocked and repeat them every 3 hours for max silver Complete Achievements Achievements can be found in a tab on the player profile Completing an achievement will reward gold coins Watch ads for free gold Tap the "Daily Free Rewards" button from the main menu to earn rewards by watching ads You can do this multiple times a day (if an ad is available) Invite your friends Tap the invite friend button from the Friends main menu Once a friend accepts your invite and downloads the game you will be rewarded with gold coins! There is no limit to how many friends you can invite and rewards increase as you invite more friends
  • How do I get rid of ads in MSM3?
    To get rid of automatic pop-up ads between races, you can purchase the ad remover in the shop. If you want to eliminate all ads, including those that give you rewards, you can purchase the Pro Pass. You will not see any ads as long as your subscription is active.
  • How do I cancel my Pro Pass subscription?
    To cancel an iOS Pro Pass subscription, follow these steps: Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap on iTunes & App Store. Tap on your Apple ID at the top. Choose View Apple ID from the popup menu. Enter your password if/when prompted and tap on OK. Tap on Subscriptions. Tap on the Mad Skills Motocross 3 subscription. Tap on "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom. Tap "Confirm". To cancel an Android Pro Pass subscription, use one of the following: On Android, open the Google Play Store, then tap Menu > Subscriptions. On a computer, go to, then in the left menu click My subscriptions. On either Android or a computer, use the URL to open your list of subscriptions. You will get to keep all tracks you've downloaded during your subscription period.
  • What is the Pro Pass Subscription?
    The Pro Pass is a premium subscription in Mad Skills Motocross 3. It offers many perks so you get the most out of Mad Skills Motocross 3! Check the chart for the differences between the Pro Pass and Pro Pass Elite.
  • How do I restore my account progress?
    All of your data and progress are stored on your social media account. To restore your progress, tap the globe icon from the main menu. From there, you can select a social media account to log in with. You can log in with more than one account. Make sure you log in with the same account as you did when you initially created your Mad Skills Motocross 2 account. If you have already made a new MSM2 account, you will need to delete and reinstall the game before logging back in with your social media account. If you have two MSM2 accounts, there is a chance you may have overwritten your original account data. If that is the case, contact us and include both of your MSM2 usernames. We will then restore your original account data for you. If Game Center doesn't load, you (Or Apple) turned it off in your phone's settings. Go to your phone's settings, scroll down in the list of options until you find Game Center, and then turn it back on. **Please note that you can no longer log in with Facebook. If you are having issues with your account, please submit a ticket.
  • Why can't I see all my friends on the leaderboard?
    The game only allows you to have up to 100 friends on your friends leaderboard. If you have more than 100 friends, some of them won't be shown. To fix this, you can do one of two things. 1. Manually delete friends until you have less than 100. To do this, you would go to the friend leaderboard, search for a friend's name, and then tap unfollow. 2. Contact us with your username, and we will erase all of your friends. Then you can manually add only the friends you want to see on your leaderboard.
  • How do I change my profile picture?
    To change your profile picture, first click on the settings icon from the main menu. Next click on the globe icon. The next screen has a list of the different social media options you can use to log in. Your MSM2 profile picture is the same as your social media account profile picture. You can hit the arrows next to your current picture to change between your different social media accounts. The more accounts you connect with, the more options you will have. You cannot upload your own profile picture. Only your social media profile pictures can be used. **Please note that you can no longer login with Facebook. If you are having issues with your account, please submit a ticket.
  • Why can't I login with Facebook?
    Facebook is no longer and active way players can login to game accounts. If Facebook was the primary way you logged into the game and you need support, please submit a ticket including the issue, your username ,and if you have an Android or iPhone.
  • How can I make my bike faster? Do custom items improve the bikes performance?
    None of the custom upgrades will increase the performance of a bike. Items like Gold Frame, black tires, decals, etc, are just for looks and provide no performance benefit. The only way to go faster is to have the fastest bike and to play like a pro! We recommend playing against some of the top guys in the game to see good strategies for going faster.
  • How does Jam mode work?
    Jam is a fun, weekly competition where all participants focus on racing one or two tracks, and their times from those tracks are combined to give them an overall placement. Each Jam round begins on a Wednesday or Thursday (depending on where you live in the world) and lasts for seven days. The first time you ever race in Jam, you start in Division 11, which is a qualifying division. At the end of your first round, you’re placed into your starting division based on your overall results. You can find your overall position at any time on the Jam main menu: If you’re in the top 10 percent in overall time, you’ll be placed into Division 1 and you’ll earn the virtual Red Bull helmet, which can’t be purchased. Top 10% = Division 1 Top 11-20% = Division 2 Top 21-30% = Division 3 And so on, down to the final division, 10. From your starting division, if you have a good next week, you can move up one division at the completion of the round. If you stay steady, you’ll maintain your division. If you have a bad week or you don’t play, you’ll fall a division. There’s never more than one division of movement from round to round. On the individual track pages, you’ll see where you rank on your five leaderboards: global, divisional, national, regional (in some countries), and social. Tap the first button under those ranks to access the leaderboards. Anyone can view the Jam leaderboards for free, but to watch times on it or attack specific times, you’ll need to buy some Premium Jam rounds (get them from the middle button with the P on it). In Career/Time Attack mode, watching and attacking leaderboard times is free. If you tap the yellow arrow, you’ll automatically be paired up against a real player who’s time is slightly better than your best time. With each win, the play arrow will pit you against another slightly faster foe. It’s a great way to slowly but surely climb the leaderboards and improve your time and your overall skills. Oh, and there are no rockets in Jam. Pure racing only. So get to Jammin’!
  • How do I unlock the Pro Career levels?
    You must reach level 25 in Versus mode to unlock the Pro Career tracks. Please select Versus mode from the main menu and start a new challenge. You can challenge a friend or a random player. Every time you finish a challenge, you will earn XP, which is used to increase your player level. Every five levels, you will unlock new virtual gear. Once you reach level 25, you will unlock the Pro tracks.
  • What does it mean to Ace a track? What is an Ace?
    Each Career track has two opponents to beat. The first is the standard opponent. The second is a faster Ace time. The first time you play a track you'll be paired against the standard opponent. Once you beat the standard opponent, you can replay the track to beat the Ace opponent. If you happen to beat the Ace opponent's time on your first try, you will not need to play the track a second time to unlock the Ace time. You can tell which standard and Ace times you have already beaten by the icons on each track card. 1. Flag icon is the regular time 2. Ace icon 3. A time that has not been beaten will show up grayed out, and once you beat the time it turns yellow
  • Why does bike 11 start with the fork compressed?
    Bike 11 features a device called a holeshot device. Real motocross riders use this device to help them have better and faster starts. It locks the front shock in a fully compressed state, which helps keep the front end low and makes the bike accelerate faster. The holeshot device will disengage once the front wheel hits a bump or jump. The front fork will then function as normal for the remainder of the race. To see a video of it working in real life, check out the video below.
  • Why does the throttle cut out sometimes?
    Some devices have a problem that makes the gas button stop after a while. If you have this problem you can enable the Auto Throttle mode in the game's options menu. The gas will then be on all the time and you press a button to break or idle the engine. Another way to counter this problem is to let go of the gas button in the air after a jump. There's no benefit of throttling in the air in Mad Skills Motocross 2. If you're using an iOS device that supports 3D Touch you can try turning off this feature while playing. This may improve the controls and stop them from cutting out.
  • How do I cancel a track-pack subscription?
    To cancel an iOS track-pack subscription, follow these steps: Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap on iTunes & App Store. Tap on your Apple ID at the top. Choose View Apple ID from the popup menu. Enter your password if/when prompted and tap on OK. Tap on Subscriptions. Tap on the Mad Skills Motocross 2 subscription. Tap on "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom. Tap "Confirm". To cancel an Android track-pack subscription, use one of the following: On Android, open the Google Play Store, then tap Menu > Subscriptions. On a computer, go to, then in the left menu click My subscriptions. On either Android or a computer, use the URL to open your list of subscriptions. You will get to keep all tracks you've downloaded during your subscription period.
  • Unlocking Bike #5: How do I unlock the achievement "Time Attack Braap on National Leaderboard"?
    To complete "Time Attack Braap on National Leaderboard" please do the following. Click Career -> Time Attack -> Novice -> Braap -> tap your country icon on the left side of the screen -> tap the play icon next to any player on that leaderboard. That will unlock the achievement. You do not need to win the race.
  • How do I unlock the Red Bull helmet?
    To unlock the Red Bull helmet, you must reach Division 1 in Jam. To reach Division 1 you have to finish in the top 10% of riders based on your overall Jam score at the end of a Jam round. The first time you ever race in Jam, you start in Division 11, which is a qualifying division. At the end of your first round, you’re placed into your starting division based on your overall results. You can find your overall position at any time on the Jam main menu. If you’re in the top 10 percent in overall time, you’ll be placed into Division 1 and you’ll earn the virtual Red Bull helmet, which can’t be purchased. Top 10% = Division 1 Top 11-20% = Division 2 Top 21-30% = Division 3 And so on, down to the final division, 10. From your starting division, if you have a good next week, you can move up one division at the completion of the round. If you stay steady, you’ll maintain your division. If you have a bad week or you don’t play, you’ll fall a division. There’s never more than one division of movement from round to round. If you are currently in Division 3 you will need to finish in the top 20% of players to move up to Division 2. Then the next week you will need to finish in the top 10% of players to move up to Division 1. Once you reach Division 1 the Red Bull helmet will be yours! Once you unlock it you'll never lose it, even if you fall out of Division 1.
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